I wonder how many devices exist in my environment?

Are all my devices compliant and secure?

Asset Inventory

Discover and get insights into every connected asset within your environment to protect your enterprise against looming cybersecurity risks

cloud asset discovery
it asset discovery tools asset inventory management software


With vInventa discover and correlate every known and unknown IT asset within your environment in a few minutes
asset protection and security services network asset discovery software


Get clear insights into all your connected assets to easily evaluate and identify security risks, policy violations, as well as cloud misconfigurations and compliance issues among others
IT asset inventory Cyber Security


Protect your enterprise through automated policy enforcement by taking actions that address risks and vulnerabilities, mitigating the ever-expanding Threat Attack Surface
Do you know how many devices exist in your environment?
asset discovery software
With a rapidly expanding IT infrastructure landscape, businesses are unable to track and monitor all their connected IT assets, leading to a lack of visibility. This creates blind spots, exposing businesses to growing Cyber Security Challenges.
These blind spots leave IT and administrative teams struggling with managing critical security gaps, enforcing security policies and coping with fragmented tool fatigue.
asset management discovery tools
it asset discovery tools
This lack of a consolidated viewpoint into all connected assets on an enterprise’s environment leaves them struggling with a looming security gap.
Enter, vInventa
vInventa is an Agentless, Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) and cloud compliance platform that delivers an integrated view of all your connected assets to help identify and remediate security concerns.
discovery tools for asset management
cloud asset discovery
Cybersecurity Asset Management Software
discovery asset management

How We Benefit Businesses

  • vInventa gets you instant visibility and inventory of all known and unknown assets within your environment.
  • vInventa helps mitigate the ever-expanding Threat Attack Surface that comes with BYOD, IoT, cloud, mobile and more.
  • It is a visibility solution that leverages already existing management and security solutions on your environment.
  • It also offers intelligent policy enforcement suggestions along with a highly intuitive querying mechanism.
Asset Discovery
Asset Discovery
Discover any asset on your hybrid environment with agentless, cross-platform, cross-device, cloud-enabled asset discovery and visibility solution
asset management software
Zero Trust
Our platform serves as an essential pre-requisite towards implementing a Zero Trust model and helps in potentially pre-empting ransomware attacks, data breaches and other threats
Security Coverage
Security Coverage
Easily detect security gaps, cloud misconfigurations, compliance and existing policy gaps within your environment and address them with our automated policy enforcement center
Compliance Coverage
Compliance Coverage
Built-in compliance management framework which helps you comply with different CIS benchmarks and security frameworks like SOC2, ISO 27001
Integrates and partners with leading management and security solutions to bring complete asset visibility of your environment.
Cost Saving
Cost Saving
Drastically cut costs to save on resources by retiring old, non-compliant assets within your environment by building on already existing security and management solutions
a demo
Learn how vInventa can help you take charge of all your assets to secure your business
it asset management software
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Discover To Protect

With vInventa, you can:

  1. Discover and keep track of ever-changing asset inventory
  2. Identify and evaluate potential issues on all your connected assets
  3. Protect and take corrective actions by addressing security and compliance gaps
Discover to protect